
Thanks to the green revolution taking place around the world, today’s manufacturers have given homeowners the opportunity to transform their houses and lower their overall carbon footprint.

From energy-saving attachments to hybrid and electric cars, the number of ways that anyone can use to help save the Earth continues to grow and become even more accessible. Among all the different options available for Australian households, however, solar panels are one green and eco-friendly investment that has been widely talked about thanks to its widespread availability and effectiveness.

The advent of solar panels

While they may not be the newest invention in the world of solar energy and sustainability, this innovative technology holds a significant role in the eco-friendly revolution that is transforming the world today.

With solar power becoming one of the most popular, cleanest, and sustainable sources of energy available today, this appliance has undertaken a key role in helping the transformation gain traction over time as well. Now that more and more manufacturers are putting out packages that cover a wide price range and the Australian government itself is incentivising clean energy, there’s no reason not to get your hands on a set of solar panels. However, you may be worried about the price tag that is often associated with these advancements.

Why the price tag on a solar panel is justified

Admittedly, the entire idea of getting a set of solar panels for your home can seem intimidating because of the high costs and the immense market value that a single package carries. As hefty as the idea of purchasing a system may be, the truth about going greener in consuming and creating energy is that it is bound to pay itself ten-fold in the long run. This is especially true when it comes to your home’s market value.

Solar panels and the real estate market

Beyond eco-friendliness, lower carbon footprints, and cost-savings, one of the most prevalent benefits that come with getting solar panels is that it is guaranteed to yield even more value for any property.

As more and more Australians become conscious of their spending habits and how they affect the environment, it’s easy to see why homes outfitted with solar panels are in such high demand. By taking the time to go through a list of available options and letting a specialist work on your property, not only will you be able to help do your part in saving the Earth but you might also receive a bigger payout in the long run!

What the studies show

One important fact that any Gold Coast homeowner should know about solar panels and their effect on real estate prices is that it’s more than just mere speculation. According to a solar energy study conducted by online real estate marketplace Zillow in 2019, researchers discovered that the addition of solar panels adds between three to four per cent on the value of a home at the very least. While it may not seem like much at first, this same increase can yield at least AUD 19,000 to 25,000 on top of a median-priced home’s value!

Researchers discovered that the addition of solar panels adds between 3 to 4% on the value of a home at the very least


Despite the fairly high price tag that they carry, a set of solar panels can do wonders for your home by adding a significant amount to its overall listing price and long-term value. If you’re looking for an investment that’s guaranteed to pay for itself ten times over in the short and long term, then solar panels are definitely worth every cent you’ll shell out!

We’re a skilful team of solar power specialists that offers solar installer services and provides solar power solutions for homes in the Gold Coast. Get in touch with us today!

We’re a skilful team of solar power specialists that offers solar installer services and provides solar power solutions for homes in the Gold Coast.

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